Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bercak-bercak darah itu........

Mirip ma isi novel-novel kriminal ya?  Tenang saja, cerita kali ini sama sekali gak berbau kriminal kok, cuman ada unsur bunuh-membunuh saja.

Bercak-bercak darah itu, bertebaran di beberapa area di sepraiku.  Hati dan otakku berpikir keras, bertanya-tanya.  Dari mana asalnya?  Ku periksa seluruh badanku, tangan dan kaki, tapi tak kutemukan luka sedikitpun.  Saat itu akupun tak sedang menstruasi.  Dari mana?

Minggu-minggu berlalu, dan satu saat, akupun dapat jawabannya.

Dan jawabannya ada hubungannya dengan cerita sebelumnya... 

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dilema antara diriku dan nyamuk-nyamuk (nakal).

Tak bisa nyenyak, mataku tak bisa terpejam dengan sempurna.  Nyamuk-nyamuk itu sangat menggangguku.  Ingin memakai obat nyamuk, tapi karena kendala teknis, tak jadi kulakukan.  Ingin mencari kelambu, kemana..di jakarta mau kemana mencari kelambu? Pilihan terakhir adalah memakai raket nyamuk, yang harganya belum diestimasi.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Batman series...

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
bagus..superheronya keren..hmmmm, walopun g punya kekuatan super kaya superman dll, pi mampu memaksimalkan teknologi yang dipunyai manusia biasa.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

::Do You Believe in Parallel World::

 Is it universe or multiverses..

The size of universe created by Allah, makes me thought that maybe this "world" is too small to fulfilled only by human. Studying quantum physics have forced me to "alter" my perception of the whole universe.  Is it universe or there are multiverses??

Time travel, dimensions, wormhole etc...Physicists have said it's possible to do the time traveling.   But, the only obstacle is our technology. We are still left behind .

Maybe, in another word, you can meet another "you", another "me" ,....  

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Three Colours

If you think, there are only two colours in our lives, you wrong! My friend, life is not fulfilled by only black and white, the two colours.  But, there is one more colour, which is Grey.  Ya..grey, .So, remember three colours in our lives, black..white..and grey.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ssshhhhhh, Stop Gossip..I hate it..

As a seldom speaker aka quiet person (rather to write than to talk), talking is a rare thing to do in my reguler activity.  And, this were recognized by me just recently. (it took 26 years for me to realized that!!).  Otherwise, my friends and almost all people i know, they love to talk.  Talking..talking.., and many things that they're talking about are useless or just waste aka..sampah.  And from this habit, things that I hate the most are gossip, they always make gossips.  (Don't they have anything to do rather than making gossip all the time, just  take care of u'r own bussiness, do not always want to know bout other's matters!!!!!!!)

I Hate Gossip, really, so STOP GOSSIP, please!